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142 Bradford St

142 Bradford St
Historic District Survey information for 142 Bradford St
Architectural Description: Currently "Sunset Inn"; 142 Bradford Street is a 2 1/2-story, 3-bay former dwelling with a 5-bay set back addition on the side. There is a vinyl shed dormer on the east roof slope. The primary facade of the main building has partial cornice returns and paired brackets, which are also present on secondary facades with a dentiled frieze. Corner pilasters are also present. There is a flat-roofed hood over the door, supported by chamfered posts with a dentiled cornice, end brackets and panel half-walls. The entry has paired doors with wood storms. A squared bay window with 2/2 and 1/1 DHS with operable shutters is located next to the door. The cornice matches that above the door. Windows have wood trim with a dentiled entablature above. Windows are 2/2 wood DHS, and shaded by cloth awnings on the primary facade. Shutters are present some operable, some inoperable. The side addition is 2 stories, with an enclosed porch across the 1st story and an open porch the length of the 2nd story. A cloth awning, similar to those on the primary facade, shades the 1st story. A dormer flanked by paired multi-light casements leads to the Inn's office. An addition has been added above the 2nd story, allowing for access to the roof deck of the addition from the main section of the building. A 1-story addition is located next to the side ell with a shed roof, separate entry, and a 6/6 DHS window. A 1-story addition on the east facade has cornice details matching the front of the building. There is a roof deck above, accessed by a door on the 2nd story. 1 and 2-story additions are located at the rear, some portions with 1/1 vinyl DHS. The telescoping 1-story additions have gable roofs, while a separate 2-story addition with 1-story section have shed roofs. Exterior wood stairs lead to landings and roof decks above these flat roofs.
Bradford Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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