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Showing all archives in the Art galleries, Commercial subject
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  • Karl Knaths
    Articles from “Inside Provincetown” (1966) and from “Provincetown Arts (1989) by Charles Giuliano...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, Biography, and Death
  • Jane Kogan
    Articles from the Provincetown Banner article (October 10, 2002) by Sue Harrison, from “The...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, Biography, Chrysler, Walter, and Museums--Massachusetts--Provincetown
  • David Kwok
    An article from the “New Beacon” (August 5, 1964) about the Hong Kong artist’s lecture at the...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Newsprint
    Subjects: Art and Art galleries, Commercial
  • Bultman, Fritz: Exhibition Postcard
    Post card from Fritz Bultman to Theodore Stamos.
    Collection: Borkowski
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Advertising, Art, and Art galleries, Commercial
  • Robyn Watson - Soup for the Masses - Cookbook
    A cookbook published by Robyn Watson former director, Provincetown Art Association.
    Collection: Borkowski
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Advertising, Art galleries, Commercial, and Art Museums
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